Disclaimer: The UC Merced Student Health Center offers no endorsement of and assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies. These resources are provided to give you access to organizations whose expertise may be of value as an educational or reference tool. These sites are not controlled, sponsored or endorsed by UC Merced Student Health Services. For specific advice about your health and wellness, please schedule an appointment to speak to a health care clinician or counseling professional.
UC Merced Women's Programs & LGBTQ+ Initiatives | KL184 (209) 228-2250 LGBTQ+ Initiatives Women's Programs lgbtq@ucmerced.edu |
Central Valley Pride Center |
645 W Main St, Merced (209) 353-1518
Valley Resources | My LGBTplus http://www.mylgbtplus.com |
LGBTQ Health |
http://www.lesbianhealthinfo.org/ |