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Reproductive Cancer Screening

Cervical Cancer Screening

A pap test (or papanicolaou smear) is a diagnostic test used to screen individuals for cervical cancer.  Cells of the cervix are collected during a pelvic exam and examined for pre-cancerous or cancerous changes.   All people with a cervix are recommended to have cervical cancer screening starting at age 21.

Click here for more information on recommendations regarding cervical cancer screening.


Breast/Chest Cancer Screening

Breast/chest self-awareness begins around age 20 with regular self-exams.  Starting at age 25, clinical breast exams with the medical provider should be done along with routine check-ups, and annually after age 30.

Cancer screening using mammography begins at age 40 for most people with breast tissue unless there is a reason to begin screening earlier.  Current guidelines recommend mammograms to be done every 1-2 years depending on your individual risk factors.

Click here for more information about breast cancer screening recommendations.


Testicular Cancer Screening

Clinical testicular exams (performed by a medical professional) are normally done as part of regular medical check-ups for all individuals with testes.  Monthly self-exams are also recommended for the purposes of early detection.

Click here for more information about testicular cancer and testicular self-exam.